
My beloved OE friends. Yes, we know this. Yes, we have read it and been told it while sitting in the pews. And yes, we have experienced it while most of the time being obliviously unaware. But now, we are experiencing it in all it's reality. The only constant. The only real thing. The only truth. Yes, this One who we sing about and pray to and serve is the ONLY thing that is real....the only constant. These relationships go so deep because of HIM. This love we have and are so grieved to leave behind is a gift from HIM. So I choose to praise. I have to. We have seen the hand of the living God bind us together, answer our prayers so clearly and definitely, change us, grow us, heal us, inspire us, find joy and pleasure in us and somehow even use us. Thank you Father. It has all the time been You. You alone.
Love you all more than my words could ever capture.