Forgotten God

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I'm sure most of us have that same moment at the end of every day. Head is on the pillow. A big yawn and long stretch. Sleep is beckoning. Oh yeah.......heeeeeey God. I make my peace. Throw in some requests. Say goodnight in a sense. I am grateful for this time...He's always faithfully
waiting... judgement free. Tonight, in our goodnight chat, a question comes to mind. "Did you use My power today? Were you even aware of it?" I know without a doubt it is HE that is asking....reminding.
I just finished reading Francis Chan's 'Forgotten God' and it has reminded me of so many truths and ignited a stronger desire to live a life that respects, knows, and USES the power of the Holy Spirit in every moment of life. How precious are those nights when we have our goodnight chat and I get to feel like my day was used for eternal purposes. There is literally NOTHING in the world that compares to that feeling. Sadly, they are too few and far between. I don't want a day to go by that I can't pinpoint a moment or moments in my day that the presence of God was undeniably evident. Moments that could not, would not happen apart from Him. I hope that saying this, recognizing it outloud, will help keep the fire lit. I have all the resources I need in order to love others perfectly, have self-control, keep my foot out of my mouth, speak for my Saviour, have words of knowledge at just the right time, prophesy, heal, and the list goes on and on and on on on.

Holy Spirit, I don't want to neglect a single moment that You could be alive through me. Change me. Renew my mind. Help me remember.


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